
Google Unveils Android TV - About Time!

Google has officially unveiled Android TV today later a successful run with Chromecast among a vast array of products including Material Design, Android L, and Android Clothing. Similar to Apple tree Television, Android TV will run on the set-peak boxes every bit previewed at the I/O today. Google Television receiver was earlier launched back in 2022 with a strong ambition of turning your TV into a phone - realism is happening at present.Google Android TV

Android Television receiver:

Today'due south declaration confirms the expectation that Google indeed is rethinking Android Television receiver, earlier launched in 2022 and successfully followed by the Chromecast. Android TV congregates Television content from both the Play Store and partners similar Netflix and Hulu. Information technology provides you recommendations based on what y'all sentry and gives you the usual info about bandage, related shows, etcetra like its competition.

Ane of the best matter of Android Goggle box is perhaps Android Wear. While everything else is most equally already done past others, you tin control your Television with your Android smartwatch. Isn't information technology convenient? Another feature setting Android Tv set apart from the competition is the power to play games on your television. Devices will come with a controller, like Fire Idiot box, and gamers will enjoy playing multiplayer games online and achieve points using the Google Play Games network.Google Android TV

Google as well told at the keynote that it is partnering with OEMs similar Sony and Sharp to manufacture televisions with Android TV software coming out-of-box. The ones who have just updated to a new TV or do not want to alter their entire television sets for Android Television will be able to become the conventional fix-top boxes that will exist developed by diverse companies including ASUS and Razer.

This yr's I/O keynote has been all nigh consistency and unified feel. Google has reinforced that vision with Android TV likewise. Like smartphones, tablets and other devices, Google won't be manufacturing whatsoever devices. Information technology will maintain the software - like it has always done - and volition let the tertiary-party OEMs to design and create new devices to carry Google's Android Television OS.

This is ane of the few things that will give Mountain View a clear edge over its competitors because the user won't have to buy anything other than the Tv set itself. For long term besides, it will benefit Google every bit the visitor would be able to seamlessly help users get content over various devices from varied OEMs using the omnipresent Play Store.


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