
17+ Unique Side Hustles for Men to make $100000 each month - handhadeventing

Incline Hustles for Men

Look for side hustles for men?

Side hustles are never old, but they do require some skill.

There is a lot of information out there on how to pretend additive money with side hustles, but most of it is obscure and not actionable.

Our web log post will be a detailed lean of different ways you arse set off earning duplicate income through side hustles for men.

It will cover the following topics in detail—how to get started, where to find opportunities for side gigs, how much time does each takes etc.

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  1. PineCone Search: Make$3 – $5 per each sketch secure .Sign up now
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  • InboxDollars: Get profitable to watch videos, play games, and shop online. Likewise, engender $5 Signup bonus.Signup now [If you are in the UK, sign over here – Inbox Dollars U.K.]
  • Vindale Research: Equal to$50 per survey &$0.50 per email. $5 per referring friends, sharing payment receipts.Sum now for FREE

    Looking for other paying study opportunities, check out how to make $100 per survey and the highest paying follow companies.

  1. Pull Hustles for Men
  2. Side Hustles for Men – Freelancing
    • Proofreading
    • Writing
    • Transcription
    • Voice Acting
    • Essential Assistance
  3. Go with Hustles for Men – Passive Income
    • Blogging
    • Youtube
    • Online courses
    • Affiliate Marketing
  4. Side Hustles for Men – Surveys
    • Harris Poll Harris
    • Swagbucks
    • Survey Junkie
    • Vindale Research
  5. Side Hustles for Manpower – Selling
    • Selling with Amazon River FBA
    • Selling happening eBay
    • Selling along Etsy
  6. Selling on Offerup
    • Flea Market Flipping
    • Dropshipping
    • Flipping furniture online
    • Reselling shoes
    • Selling books
    • Merchandising old picture games
    • Cars
  7. Lateral Hustles for Men – Use your car
    • Uber
    • Lyft
    • Deliver food with UberEats or DoorDash
    • Cable car Advertisement
  8. Side Hustles for Men – Use your body
    • Sell feet pics
    • Deal your hair
    • Deal out your blood
    • Get ahead professional to father tattoos
  9. Side Hustles for Men – Other ideas
    • Rent connected aibnb
    • Invest in true demesne
    • Sell photos online
    • Dole out in stocks
    • Invest in cryptocurrencies
    • Teach the English language online
    • Become a client rep
    • Become a woodworker
    • Sell ideas to companies
  10. Conclusion – Side Hustles for Men
  11. Side Hustles for Men to make money online

Side Hustles for Men – Freelancing

Side Hustles for Men

Freelancing is a great side confidence game that can be done in your spare time.

Many people who work pear-shaped-time jobs depend happening freelancing to earn an unnecessary income.

…What differentiates it from else side hustles is that you get compensable for the specific task that you do.

You don't need to look for payment, just send an invoice and get paid.

Hera are the best things you can exercise as a freelancer:


This is an easy task to coiffure. You just need to scan and correct some texts or sentences.

You can easily get prepaid for around $10 per paginate of text.

This 76-minute webinar is jampack-compact with valuable information on finding out if proofreading is right for you, attracting your ideal proofreading clients and making money online. Retard it out.


  • Online proofreading jobs for beginners (Earn $40k+ with nary experience)
  • Proofreading Test: The best ones to quiz your proofreading skills?


This one you can earn adequate $20/hr and the demand for writers is sharp.

Go over this course by Holly Johnson on how to earn more travel writing for digital nomad blogs. She is rockstar who makes over $200,000 a year writing for digital nomad blogs and other known publications online.

Consanguine: Start a self-employed penning business, interview #8 – Just Kevin


You need a quiet down place where you could work this one out because all you have to make out is listen to audio files and then publish it pop.

You can get over a transcriptionist and make 1000 a month.

Interested in becoming a transcriptionist and work only? Grab this FREE preparation on General Transcription NOW

Related to: Best Transcription Jobs 2021 – 13 Sites that Pay Quick Money

Interpreter Acting

You can also get rewarded for talking in different characters. There are several postings about voice-acting jobs that you can work on.

Mark: If you want to love more about voice acting, vox over jobs from rest home for beginners and voice terminated training, you should check up on out this free course. It will answer all your questions about starting your voice acting career.

Virtual Assistance

This is incisively what the name says,  you bequeath provide assistance to a company or business, whether IT is online or over the phone.

Cluck here to sign up for FREE course on how to become a wildly successful practical helper

Related: How to become a realistic assistant: The Lone guide you need to take in

Side Hustles for Men – Passive Income

Passive income is a zealous way to make extra cash because you go along earning money when you nap.

What makes it regular better is that you won't beryllium spending much time working on it.

One of the best examples of unresisting income is affiliate marketing and provides a lot of freedom and flexibility to people around the international.

A couple of of your options are:


A blog can be your ticket to passive income because information technology takes time, work, and patience to build one.

Blogging is altogether about creating content that can be exploited to elevat products Beaver State services.

You could start earning when you take dealings to your blog, which commonly takes 6-12 months.

This may sound bimestrial but it is possible for people who are willing to commit the sentence, effort and patience information technology requires.

Kindred: 7+ advisable blogging tips for beginners: Question 11 with Arfa, SheMeansBlogging

Ready Put on Web log for traffic – It is an Highly underpriced flow from on how to cook money with a blog for beginners. Information technology tells you how to set improving your blog, use Pinterest and implement SEO strategies. Using her tips, I have been able to rank on page 1 of Google. You can saymy prototypal income account here.


This is another form of passive income that you dismiss do instantly without having to wait for things to happen.

You antitrust call for a decent television camera and microphone for this.

Learn how untold does YouTube pay.

Online courses

You can partake in what you know about a predestined topic and earn money from it.

People are willing to pay for information that could gain their lives easier and better.

Related: 15 Make for from Home plate Courses Under $100: Acquire the right skills on budget

Affiliate Marketing

You can promote otherwise people's products and get a commission for it.

IT doesn't cost anything to pop and you simply promote a link with an affiliate code.

IT's super dolabrate merely it does require consistent work and effort to make IT successful.

Consanguine: How to make 500 Dollars fast? (I have tried a few, it works)

Side Hustles for Work force – Surveys

Surveys are also a good way to start qualification money.

There are many different companies that you can join and they will pay you for your opinion after filling stunned surveys online.

Some examples of websites you could do this at are:

Townsend Harris Poll parrot Harris

Has over 50 age of research undergo gives them the expertise needed to get the most right results.

You can earn $3 for every survey you complete and they have new ones posted daily.

Sign up here.


They always have 300+ surveys available to take, asset lots of other ways to earn money such as watching videos and searching the Internet.

Also, you get a $5 bonus just for signing up!

Lineal: 25 sites like Swagbucks that pay off cash in 2021 (but, better)

Follow Freak

This is some other awesome survey company that you can start doing right gone.

They have tons of interesting surveys to choose from and ne'er charge any fees!

Sign here.

Vindale Research

This one pays via stop or PayPal, plus they even give new members a $5 sign-up bonus!

Related: 10 Best Survey Apps that pay real cash in 2020

Broadside Hustles for Hands – Marketing

Selling online can be a eager way to cause money, specially if you are creative. Hither are some ideas that you toilet use:

Merchandising with Amazon FBA

You can betray with this program and get your products listed happening Amazon.

Amazon FBA will handle repositing, order packing, shipping, and customer Robert William Service.

In reappearance for using their services, you have to founde them a percentage of your profits.

Learn how to sell on Amazon FBA in this post for free.

Related: Amazon Take Ship Freebies 2021 – Detailed Guide 101

Selling on eBay

eBay is one of the largest online marketplaces where you can list antithetic items that you want to sell.

You can charge whatever price or more than you want and make your own rules.

Check over this free workshopalong flipping to start stylish and make money from the first project

Related: Best items to flip on eBay (+ how to start reselling for net profit)

Marketing on Etsy

This is other great option if you like to make crafts or any new typecast of goods.

It's perfect for creative people WHO like to sell their own oversewn items.

If you find success selling online then it can be beneficial to start your own website where you can elevat similar items.

Related: 10+ best things to trade on Etsy to make money (Beginners Guide)

Selling connected Offerup

If you like to sell locally then Offerup nates atomic number 4 a great identify to do that.

It's an app where the great unwashe in your surface area can buy and betray items, which will also allow you to make some extra hard cash if soul is interested in your product.

Flea Market Flipping

This is another hobby that's turned into a self-made position hustle.

IT basically consists of finding items at a flea market or thrift shop then selling them online for a profit.

This can get hold of some clock time to get good, but it could be very profitable if you have the patience and tug to do it.

Check out this disembarrass workshophappening flipping to start smart and make money from the first-class honours degree project


This is a expectant way to get started selling online.

Information technology plant by wholesaling products from various suppliers and then mark up the costs for retail price ready to induce money.

Dropshipping has gained in popularity over the gone few long time simply it can take some time to build your reputation and node base that you need which could be costly.

Flipping furniture online

Matchless of the more common options for English hustles is selling used furniture.

It's a great way to take some extra money because everyone necessarily furniture and you can buy it at a very low price.

Once again, this takes some time to dumbfound ample but if you follow IT lengthened enough then you put up make a lot of money by selling article of furniture online.

Connate: Flipping Furniture for beginners – A Creative Side Hustle

Reselling shoes

This is another nonclassical option that give the axe likewise glucinium very profitable.

Thither are many different websites like Poshmark where you seat list your place and induce a profit.

It's a very simple physical process and you can well get to a good profit by purchasing utilized place at inexpensive prices and reselling them.

Selling books

This is another classic room to make money that ne'er gets old.

You can either sell your own collection or buy books at low prices, then sell them to make a profit.

Selling old video recording games

This is another by-line that can be soured into a profitable side hustle. You can look for video games at thrift shops and other places, then deal them on websites like PawnGuru.


If you like to buy and flip cars so you can make some decent money.

It's a very popular hobby where you potty learn as you die down, as long as you have the right kind of cable car that's in high demand.

Lateral Hustles for Manpower – Use your car

You can earn money with your car in many different ways, for instance driving your passengers to their destination in return for a tip.

Here are some examples:


This is plausibly the most popular car-service app out there.

You can start making money past using your car when you are not victimization information technology.

Related: Drive for Uber Grub – Seduce Money delivering food for thought Nowadays


This one is similar to Uber, but they rich person distinguishable rates.

Deliver food with UberEats or DoorDash

You can start out paid to cede food for thought and take in redundant Cash if somebody orders from a restaurant that is not close by.

Elevator car Advertising

If you possess a car then it force out be accustomed boost other companies that are willing to pay for the ad infinite.

Here is an example of soul using his car to make unnecessary money:

Auto Wrapping – This is related to advertisement, but instead of hardly putting a big printed ad on your car, they will actually wrap all or part of it in a vinyl mark.

Some companies will pay you for this service while others might not, but information technology's worth a try if you don't have some another way of making extra money.

Postmates – This is another app where you can induce money with your car. IT's fundamentally a nutrient delivery service, but the one caveat is that you have to exist willing to go kayoed and deliver IT in person.

Side Hustles for Men – Use your trunk

Side Hustles for Men

You force out use your body and become a walking hoarding for promoting other companies. Some examples of this are:

Sell feet pics

This is a controversial method acting that I would just use if you are desperate for hard currency.

It means selling your feet pics online to those who are looking for for it.

Paternal: How to sell feet pics – A weirdly fast way to make money online!

Sell your hair

If you receive long fuzz then you arse sell it and pull in money, but be careful because there might be some health risks involved.

You crapper besides cut off the tips and sell them for a higher price.

Sell your blood

This mightiness sound weird but some people actually pay real money to receive a certain type of blood that they need for medical reasons.

Get paid to get tattoos

Some tattoo shops will pay you just to get a specific tattoo that they need for promotional purposes.

Learn more about acquiring paid to get tattoos.

Side Hustles for Hands – Other ideas

Rent on aibnb

If you have an blank room in your house then you can rent it out for unnecessary income by using Airbnb.

Invest in immovable

This can be very profitable if you make love what you are doing. Learn how to invest in realistic land.

Sell photos online

If you own a good tv camera and like taking photos then there are several websites where you stool sell them.

Deal in stocks

This can be very profitable but also high-risk, so only invest what you are willing to lose.

Invest in cryptocurrencies

While this is very remunerative, information technology's as wel unsound so coif your research before investing.

Teach the English language online

This is a new and moneymaking industry that has unconnected over the past few eld.

Read: Teach West Germanic language to Korean students

Become a client repp

You can get paid to be an extra client service rep for companies that are voluntary to pay.

Become a woodsman

You can get paid for making different types of wooden items.

Sell ideas to companies

Some companies will in reality pay you for your idea, but this lavatory represent hard to get unless you know how to approach them.

Ending – Broadside Hustles for Hands

Side hustles are a great way to make extra income if you have the time.

It is knockout work, just it can be very rewardful in price of both money and personal satisfaction.

Keep reading our blog for other ideas on what kind of side jobs there are out in that location to help grow your income stream – no matter to what type of skillset you think makes the virtually horse sense for yourself.

Side Hustles for Men to make money online


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